
The Best Illustration Books and Courses

My favourite resources for learning to draw and developing your visual thinking skills

People who want to improve their drawing and illustration skills frequently ask what books, courses, and resources I recommend. Trying to Google it leads to an overwhelming pile of cruft and most of the great resources aren’t anywhere on the first 10 pages of search results.

I’ve compiled all my favourite learning platforms, courses, and books below to help guide you towards the good stuff. Everything below will help teach you how to work in the meat and medium of visual language, rather than focusing on the materials (the “which iPad should I buy?” distraction). If you desperately want to focus on tooling, you can read about the hardware and software I use over on What App is That?

I’ve read every book and taken most of the course on this page, so can at least vouch for them first-hand. But be aware it’s not exhaustive. The volume of illustration education available online is constantly growing and I don’t keep close tabs on it anymore.

Learning Platforms and Courses


How to Think When You Draw
How to Draw
Rapid Viz
Dynamic Bible
Fun with a Pencil
Lateral Thinking

Mentions around the web